
D. Davis „Qigun for women’s health and longevity. Guide for independent practice „

Tutorial for qigong. The specialist in non -traditional medicine and Acupuncture Deborah Davis offers a program of classes that help with PMS, insomnia, depression, osteoporosis and other ailments.

Specialist in non -traditional medicine and acupuncture, the American Deborah Davis, has been studying qigong for 20 years. This self -healing system, which appeared in ancient China, includes special exercises, self -massage techniques, breathing techniques and meditation. Her elderly mother helped to finally verify the effectiveness of this technique by Deborae Davis: when the medicines stopped helping with her high pressure, she began to engage in qigong for 15 minutes a day under the program developed by her daughter. In a month, the pressure for the first time in many years has returned to normal. “The book contains qigong classes that help with menopause, PMS, insomnia, depression, osteoporosis. And also the optimal set of exercises for women of different ages is given. The author also talks about important acupressure elements. For example, restoring the heart rhythm helps press the tip of the left finger. And you can get rid of dizziness and lower back pain by activating a point

located in the middle of a vertical hollow between a nose and a lip.

  • „Timing the tiger – return to the mountain“. Healing gymnastics of qigong

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